Criteria of a Problem Statement
Criteria of a Problem Statement
A problem statement is an issue or problem currently existing tha needs to be addressed.
Ø It identifies the knowledge gap between the present state and the desired state.
Ø It provides the context for the research study and generates questions that the research aims to answer.
Ø A research statement is not very lengthy.
The criteria or the requirements that a problem statement should fulfill are
Ø The five Ws- what, who, when, where and why
· What is the problem- the topic of the investigation is to be clearly mentioned
· Who does the problem affect- the population from whom we will be collecting the data
· When does the issue occur- the time
· Where is the issue occurring- the area of our research
· Why is it necessary to fix the problem- the aim of the research to be explored.
Ø Clear and precise: the problem statement should be written clearly and precisely so that everyone understands the purpose of the research
Ø Specific scope: the problem statement should have a defined population or scope of research. It should neither be too broad as it will be difficult to collect the data from such large population nor should it be too limited i.e too small.
Ø Knowledge gap: knowledge gap is a common gap in the prior research. It is the identification of what is not sufficiently known about a subject.
Ø The statement should indicate the variables of interest and the specific relationship between the variables that are to be studied.
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